Daily Wisdom: Your repuatation may get you in the door, but character is what you are going to need to keep you from being put out of it. ~Rofasho~

Plan of Action: Work hard everyday to get to know our strengths and our weakness. Be honest with ourselves and others. There is only one carbon copy of us all. God fashioned us to be different for a reason! So enjoy your uniqueness, by allowing others to enjoy and beneifit from knowing who we really are. It doesn't make much sense to make people believe we are something that we really are not. More importantly, we have to stop lying to ourselves. If what we see in the mirror isn't to our liking; then its as simple as changing what we do not like. Put your best foot forward to being the best YOU that you can be. You will be glad you did, those around you will also. Live up to being YOU!
Grow in Grace & Blessing in your Sweet Experience of Growth and Change!