A day or two after Wings of Love's 2011 Marriage Retreat I posted
my thoughts about what was expereienced at the Marriage Retreat. Today, I want to share with you how the marriage retreat prepared me to make the right decisions for my marriage for 2011. Cedric and I attended the How to Love Your Spouse while Working it Out & Managing Finances in Unison course at the Marriage Retreat this year. We had no idea that what we had learned in those courses we would soon be tested on.

The first class was How to Love Your Spouse While Working it Out and without exposing the instructors business and my business also; there story was more like mines then I knew at the time I was in the course. I can remember my husband having an issue with an employee at work during the session and he was talking my earb off. Until the instructors began to become seriously transparent about an event that had occured in their marriage that almost seperated them; then my husband abrubptly became queit and started listening. The class was very personal and the instructors shared stuff that they had did that most wouldn't even dare to share with their own spouses. Their story was soon to be our story. Less than two weeks the Lord had placed it in my heart to come clean about some hurtful things I had done, which gave my husband the avenue to be honest with me about somethings he had done as well. The second class we took was Managing Finances in Unison. Shortly after the Marrige Retreat my husband was let go from his job. He was the only one bringing in the bacon. I am a stay at home mom and full time student, with a couple hustles on the side. So instantly everything that we had learned from both course was put to the test. Not to mention, my husband was preaching his first sermon less than two weeks after all of this had come to the surface. If my walls could talk, I'm sure you would get a good cry and a laugh or two.

This year was most definitely pivotal for our marriage, family and our faith in God. This year our vows were tested like it was nobody's business. It wasn't easy to make the decisions I had to make nor for himself either. However, we couldn't help but think of how awesome God truly is to have set us up for success. Im not sure how this year would have turned out if I hadn't attended the Marriage Retreat. Maybe we would still be walking around with secrets. Nevertheless, we are were we are. I have to believe this is God-ordained. We survived the storms and all though we are still in the aftermath a bit, we can definitley see the breaking of day. I'm looking forward to next year's retreat and all the couples that will join us in embarking upon having succesful marriages the way God intended.

As always I'd like to encourage you to put God first and remain obedient in everything you do. Even when you don't understand the things you go through, trust that God holds your world in His hands. He promised that He would never put more on us than we can bear. Hang in there and what ever you do don't give up!
If you are interested in taking part in the 2012 Wings of Love Ministries Marriage Retreat, you may email
info@wingsoflovemi.org or visit
Wings of Love Ministries on Facebook.
The retreat will be held at
The Great Wolf Lodge in the beautiful Traverse City on April 20-22, 2012. Registration is $440/couple. Registrations includes, lodging, entrance into the water park, food, classes and class materials. Yes, all of that for only 220/person. You do not need to be a member of Wings of Love Ministries to attend and if you are engaged you are welcomed to take part.
God Bless,
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