Monday, April 25, 2011

Hang in There

Hey Folks, I apologize for the long wait for another blog. So much has happened that most definitely validates the name of this blog. Please hang in there with me. As time progresses I will be at more liberty to speak freely about some things that I think will truly help many women and men.

Its been well over a months since I last wrote a blog. Since then my husband has preached his first sermon and it was great experience to see him walking in his call. I know many of you are saying "Ro, when you next" and in due time. It's not quite my time yet. However I can say that the work that He is performing in me is blowing my mind.

I just want to encourage you guys to hang in there. I know life tends to beat us up especially when we don't have a grip our personal decision making. But let me reassure you every decision we make comes with pricey consequences, just make sure you can afford the consequence before you execute your decision. We have to began thinking things through and become more intentional about the things we do. This is how we will press towards the mark more effectively. We have to be intentionally doing what is necessary and intentionally not doing what will make us fall.

I love you guys, hang in there with me. This blog is sure to become a help to  many in due time.

Love you,



  1. Thank you for the update. Allow god to do waht it is that has to be done in your life, so you can pass the knowledge to others who seeks the nourshiment of his words. God bless.


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